Advisory Services

  • Operating Model Canvas Review; a business review of the as-is / to-be process model and snapshot of the entities subject to business transformation.  Key benefits include (but are not limited to);
  • Clarity and Alignment: The canvas helps organisations clarify and visualise how different components of your operating model interact and align with your businesses overall strategic goals. This can lead to better understanding and buy-in from stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is on the same page;
  • Strategic Alignment: By examining each element of the canvas, organisations can assess how well their operating model supports their strategic objectives. This can lead to adjustments and optimisations to ensure that the organisation’s operations are in line with its long-term vision;
  • Efficiency Improvements: Through the canvas exercise , organisations can identify inefficiencies, redundancies, and bottlenecks in their processes. This can drive process improvements and resource reallocation, leading to increased operational efficiency;
  • Risk Identification and Mitigation: The canvas highlights dependencies and potential risks within an organisation’s operating model. By identifying these risks, organisations can develop strategies to mitigate them and enhance their overall risk management practices;
  • Adaptation to Change: The canvas can help organisations become more adaptable to changes in the business environment. It enables them to clearly see how changes in one part of the operating model might impact other areas, allowing for more informed decision-making during times of change;
  • Collaboration and Communication: The canvas serves as a visual communication tool that can facilitate discussions among teams and stakeholders. It encourages cross-functional collaboration and a shared understanding of how different parts of the organisation work together;
  • Resource Allocation: Through the canvas, organisations can assess their resource allocation and identify areas where resources might be over-allocated or underutilised. This can lead to more effective resource management;
  • Innovation and Transformation: The canvas exercise can reveal opportunities for innovation and transformation within an organisation’s operations. It also corroborates drivers for change. By understanding the current state, organisations can identify areas where new technologies, processes, or strategies can be implemented. Of course, these lead to competitive advantages;
  • The Change Management Canvas: This serves as a reference point. It ensures that changes to the operating model align with the overall operating model and strategic goals. It provides a clear pathway for tracking and managing the impact of changes.